Jump to a Section
- Administration
- Business Management
- Facilities and Equipment Management
- Financial Management
- Information Management
- Programs, Courses and Student Affairs
- Faculty Bylaws and Tenure Regulations
- Personnel
- Faculty and Staff Campus Mediation Service
- Grievance Procedures
- Research
- Medical and Dental Schools and Services
- Benefit Plans
- Equal Employment/Educational Opportunity
- 10.010 Constitutional Provisions
- 10.020 Statutory Provisions
- 10.025 Statement of Values
- 10.030 Board Bylaws
- 10.040 Terms of Chair and Vice Chair
- 10.050 Standing Committees
- 10.060 Board and Committee Meetings
- 10.061 Public Records
- 10.070 Appointed Staff Officers
- 10.080 Curator Participation in University Events
- 10.090 Ethics and Conflict of Interest
- 20.010 General Organization
- 20.020 President of the University
- 20.021 President鈥檚 Temporary Authority for COVID-19 Response
- 20.025 General Officers of the University
- 20.030 Executive Philosophy
- 20.031 University Finance
- 20.032 University Human Resources
- 20.033 University Information Technology
- 20.035 Program Assessment and Audit
- 20.036 Procedures for Reviewing Proposals to Establish New Degree Programs
- 20.040 Vice President for Academic Affairs
- 20.051 Vice President for Finance and Administration
- 20.070 Chancellor -- Open Meeting
- 20.075 Chancellor -- Campus Emergency
- 20.080 Cabinet
- 20.090 Development Council
- 20.100 Intercampus Faculty Cabinet
- 20.110 Department Chair
- 20.120 Establishing the 午夜影院-Kansas City
- 20.130 Executive Compensation and Performance Program
- 20.140 Academic Calendar
- 20.150 Intercampus Student Council
- 30.010 Overview of Development
- 30.020 Advancement Communications
- 30.030 Friend Raising
- 30.040 Development
Chapter 60: Related Organizations
Business Management
Chapter 70: Execution of Instruments
- 70.010 General Execution of Corporate or Board Instruments
- 70.020 Execution of Financial Instruments
- 70.030 Receipts, Claims and Affidavits
- 70.050 Authorization of Real Estate Sales, Leases, Licenses, Easements, Right-of-Way, and Mineral Rights
- 70.060 Consulting, Design and Construction
- 70.070 Entrepreneurial Activity
- 80.010 Procurement
- 80.030 Insurance
- 80.040 Enhancement of Computer Awareness, Literacy and Use
- 80.070 Disbursements
- 85.010 Risk Management Policy
- 85.020 Hazardous Chemicals and Radioactive Materials Policy
- 85.030 Hazardous Chemicals and Radioactive Materials Policy - Defense and Protection of Employees
- 85.040 Health Care Compliance Policy
- 85.050 Health Care Compliance Policy -- Defense and Protection of Employees
Chapter 90: Instruments under U.S. Public Law
Chapter 100: Patent and Copyright Law
- 100.010 Use of Copyrighted Materials in Teaching and Research
- 100.020 Invention and Patent Regulations
- 100.030 Copyright Regulations
- 100.040 Missouri Law Review
Facilities and Equipment Management
Chapter 110: Use of Facilities and Equipment
- 110.005 Acceptable Use Policy
- 110.010 Regulations
- 110.015 Facilities Needs Funding and Reporting
- 110.020 Service and Use Fees
- 110.030 Keys to Doors and Buildings
- 110.040 Sound Amplification Devices
- 110.050 Alcoholic Beverages
- 110.060 Disaster Relief Program
- 110.070 Personal Property Reclamation Office
- 110.080 Naming of University Buildings, Exterior Areas, Landmarks and Interior Spaces
- 110.081 Naming of Academic Units
- 110.090 President and Chancellors' Residences
- 110.100 Use of Information Gathered from Credit Card Transactions on University Websites
Chapter 120: Traffic Regulations
- 120.010 午夜影院 Traffic Regulations
- 120.020 UMKC Traffic Regulations
- 120.030 UMR Traffic Regulations
- 120.040 UMSL Traffic Regulations
Financial Management
- 140.010 Policy for Management and Oversight of Selected University Investment Pools
- 140.011 Policy for Investment Manager Selection, Monitoring and Retention
- 140.012 Investment Policy for General Pool
- 140.013 Investment Policy for Endowment Pool
- 140.014 Investment Policy for Fixed Income Pool
- 140.015 Investment Policy for Retirement, Disability and Death Benefit Plan
- 140.016 Investment Policy for Other Postemployment Benefits Plan Trust Fund
- 140.017 Policy for Allowable Investments
- 140.020 Financial Planning
- 140.025 Financial Performance and Accountability
- 140.030 Investment Policy for Participant Directed Savings Plans
Chapter 145: Debt and Derivatives
- 145.010 Policy for Management and Oversight of Debt and Derivatives
- 145.015 Debt Management Guidelines
- 145.020 Derivatives Policy
- 145.030 Non-Debt Derivatives Policy
Information Management
- 170.010 Publications
- 170.020 University Press
- 170.030 Broadcast Facilities
- 170.040 Commercial/Promotional Use of University
- 170.050 Media Advertising
- 170.060 University Identification and Symbols
- 170.070 Visiting Speakers Supported from Funds Other Than Regular Budget
Chapter 180: Records Management
- 180.010 Archival Program
- 180.020 Student Records
- 180.025 Parental Notification of Alcohol and Controlled Substances Violations
- 180.030 Security of Classified Materials
- 180.040 Student Preferred Name Policy
- 180.060 Personnel Files
Chapter 190: Western Historical Manuscripts Collection
Programs, Courses and Student Affairs
- 200.010 Standard of Conduct
- 200.015 Academic Inquiry, Course Discussion and Privacy
- 200.020 Rules of Procedures in Student or Student Organization Conduct Matters
- 200.025 Equity Resolution Process for Resolving Complaints of Harassment
- 200.030 Forms for Use in Student Disciplinary Matters
- 200.040 Student Participation in Intercollegiate Athletics
Chapter 210: Credits and Courses
- 210.010 Guidelines for Educational Programs and Courses
- 210.020 Youth Protection Program
- 210.030 Reserve Officer Training Corps
- 210.040 Intercampus Transfer
- 210.050 Report of Grades
- 210.070 Guidelines for 午夜影院 Related International Programs
- 210.080 Policy on Freshmen Success
Chapter 220: Degrees, Diplomas and Honors
- 220.010 Degrees
- 220.020 Diplomas and Certificates
- 220.025 Revocation of a Degree, Diploma and/or Certificate
- 220.030 Honorary Degrees
- 220.040 Memorials
- 220.050 Curators' Honorary Awards
- 220.055 Curators' Remington R. Williams Award
- 220.060 Student Representative to the Board
- 230.010 Tuition and Supplemental Course Fees
- 230.020 Residence Determination
- 230.040 Student Activity, Facility and Health Fees
- 230.050 Instructional Fee
- 230.060 eLearning and Special Program Tuition and Fees
- 230.070 Educational Assistance Program for University Employees, Other than Graduate Teaching and Research Assistants
- 230.090 Miscellaneous Fees
Chapter 240: Financial Aids and Awards
- 240.020 Scholarships
- 240.030 Student Loans
- 240.035 Relationships with Student Loan Lending Institutions
- 240.040 Policy Related to Students with Disabilities
Chapter 250: Student Organizations
Chapter 260: Student Activities Budgets
Chapter 270: Intercollegiate Athletics
- 280.010 Student Health Services
- 280.025 Immunization Requirements
- 280.030 AIDS Policy Statement
- 280.040 Student Involuntary Health Leave of Absence Rules and Regulations
Faculty Bylaws and Tenure Regulations
- 300.010 Faculty Bylaws of the 午夜影院-Columbia
- 300.020 Faculty Bylaws of the 午夜影院-Kansas City
- 300.030 Faculty Bylaws of the Missouri University of Science and Technology
- 300.040 Faculty Bylaws of the 午夜影院 - St. Louis
Chapter 310: Academic Tenure Regulations
- 310.010 Academic Freedom and Economic Security of Academic Staff
- 310.015 Procedures for Review of Faculty Performance
- 310.020 Regulations Governing Application of Tenure
- 310.025 Extension of Probationary Period for Faculty on Regular Term Appointment
- 310.030 Notice of Appointment or Resignation
- 310.035 Non-Tenure Track Faculty
- 310.040 No Impairment of Rights of Tenure
- 310.050 Faculty Committees on Tenure
- 310.060 Procedures in Case of Dismissal for Cause
- 310.070 Notice
- 310.075 Negotiated Faculty Retirements and Resignations
- 310.080 Tenured and Tenure Track Faculty Workload Policy
- 310.090 Instructional Workload
Chapter 320: Employment and Termination
- 320.010 Equal Employment/Educational Opportunity Policy
- 320.020 President's Authority
- 320.030 Delegation of Authority
- 320.035 Policy and Procedures for Promotion and Tenure
- 320.040 Nepotism
- 320.050 Employee Status
- 320.060 Probationary Period
- 320.065 Performance Management
- 320.070 Academic Appointments
- 320.080 Joint Appointments and Joint Titles
- 320.090 Emeritus Designation
- 320.100 Faculty Recruitment Conflict Guidelines
- 320.110 Employment of Consultants
- 320.115 Hiring of Curators, Legislators and Statewide Officials, UM
- 320.120 Police Officers
- 320.150 Discontinuance of Programs or Departments of Instruction
- 320.160 Retirement
- 330.010 Personal Conduct of Employees
- 330.015 Policy on Conflict of Interest
- 330.020 Civic Responsibility
- 330.030 Disruption
- 330.040 Professional Responsibilities, Protest and Political Activities
- 330.050 Political Activities
- 330.065 Consensual Romantic Relationship Policy
- 330.070 Affirmative Action on Committee Appointments
- 330.090 Instructional Communication Policy
- 330.100 Evaluation of the Ability to Work
- 330.110 Standards of Faculty Conduct
- 330.120 Malign Foreign Talent Recruitment Program
Chapter 340: Employee Absences
- 340.010 Family and Medical Leave
- 340.015 Parental and Caregiver Leave
- 340.020 Leave of Absence
- 340.025 Paid-Time-Off (PTO)
- 340.030 Sick Leave
- 340.031 Sick Leave
- 340.035 Organ and Bone Marrow Donor Leave
- 340.040 Holidays
- 340.045 Winter Break Reduced Operations
- 340.050 Vacation
- 340.055 Principles for the Establishment of a Shared Leave Program
- 340.060 Personal Days
- 340.070 Faculty Leave
- 340.080 Administrative Leave
- 340.090 Development Leave
- 340.100 Leave Without Pay
- 340.120 Leave for Legal Proceedings
- 340.130 Work-Incurred Injury or Illness
- 340.140 Union Business
- 340.150 Voting
- 340.160 Death in Family
- 340.170 Rest Periods
- 340.180 Class Attendance
- 350.010 Administrative, Service and Support Staff
- 350.020 Labor Union Recognition
- 350.030 Check-Off of Union Dues
- 350.040 Standby, Call-In and Call-Back, UMC
- 350.051 Layoff and Transition Assistance
- 360.010 Extra Compensation
- 360.015 Special Considerations for Academic Administrators with Tenure
- 360.020 Summer Appointments and Consultation
- 360.030 Shift Differential
- 360.040 Prevailing Wage Act
- 360.050 Overtime
- 360.060 Resignation
- 360.070 Pay for Grievance Time
- 360.080 Payment of Personnel Upon Termination or Death
- 360.090 Endowments
- 360.100 Travel
- 360.111 Moving Expenses
- 360.120 Dues and Memberships in Organizations
- 360.130 Personnel on Foreign Services
- 360.140 Guidelines for Payroll Deductions to Charitable Organizations
- 360.150 Principles for the Establishment and Operation of Incentive Compensation Plans
Faculty and Staff Campus Mediation Service
Chapter 365: Faculty and Staff Campus Mediation Service
Grievance Procedures
Chapter 370: Academic Grievances
Chapter 380: Administrative, Service and Support Staff Grievances
Chapter 390: Student Discrimination Grievances
- 400.010 Occupational Health and Safety Program for Laboratory Animal Care and Use Personnel
- 400.020 Care and Use of Vertebrate Animals as Subjects in Research and Teaching
Chapter 410: Research Involving Humans
- 410.010 Research Involving Humans in Experiments
- 410.020 Institutional Conflicts of Interest in Human Subjects Research
Chapter 420: Allegations of Research Dishonesty
- 420.010 Research Misconduct
- 420.020 Procedures Governing the Disposition of Charges of Research Dishonesty by Academic Faculty
- 420.030 Conflict with the Interests of Federal Grant Agencies
Chapter 430: Research Security
Medical and Dental Schools and Services
Chapter 440: UMC Medical Services
- 440.010 Constitution and Code of the UMC Hospital and Clinics
- 440.020 Medical Staff Bylaws of the UMC Hosptial and Clinics
- 440.030 Rules and Regulations of the Medical Staff of the UMC Hospital and Clinics
- 440.040 University Physicians Medical Practice Plan
Chapter 450: UMKC Medical School
Chapter 460: UMKC Dental Faculty Practice Plan
- 460.010 Definitions
- 460.020 Purposes of the Plan
- 460.030 Participants
- 460.040 Income
- 460.050 Costs of Operation of the Plan (Plan Overhead)
- 460.070 Allocation of Plan Income
- 460.080 Administration of the Plan
Chapter 470.010: UMSL Clinical Psychology Faculty Professional Plan
Benefit Plans
Chapter 490: Defense and Protection
- 490.010 Defense and Protection of Employees
- 490.020 Medical, Professional and Patient General Liability
Chapter 500: Benefits Program Plans
- 520.010 Benefit Programs
- 530.010 Retirement, Disability and Death Benefit Plan
- 530.020 Retirement, Disability and Death Benefit Plan Financial Management Policy
- 560.010 Retirement Benefit System Benefit Restoration Plan
Equal Employment/Educational Opportunity
Chapter 600: Equal Employment/Educational Opportunity
- 600.010 Equal Employment/Educational Opportunity and Nondiscrimination Policy - for matters involving conduct alleged to have occurred on or after August 14, 2020
- 600.020 Sexual Harassment under Title IX - for matters involving conduct alleged to have occurred on or after August 14, 2020
- 600.030 Resolution Process for Resolving Complaints of Sexual Harassment under Title IX - for matters involving conduct alleged to have occurred on or after August 14, 2020
- 600.040 Equity Resolution Process for Resolving Complaints of Discrimination and Harassment against a Faculty Member or Student or Student Organization - for matters involving conduct alleged to have occurred on or after August 14, 2020
- 600.050 Equity Resolution Process for Resolving Complaints of Discrimination and Harassment against a Staff Member or the 午夜影院 - for matters involving conduct alleged to have occurred on or after August 14, 2020
- 600.070 Policy Related to Students with Disabilities
- 600.080 Policy Related to Employees with Disabilities
- 600.090 Digital Access Policy