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20.070 Chancellor -- Open Meeting

Bd. Min. 3-19-71; Amended 7-23-76 and 11-13-81; Amended 9-24-10.

At least once during each academic year the Chancellor on each of the four campuses may cause an open meeting to be held with members of the Board of Curators, the President of the University, the host Chancellor, and the Deans or other administrative officers the Chancellor shall designate, to which representatives of the faculty, staff and students shall be invited to discuss matters of interest and concern.

  1. At the meeting the President will be present and the Board shall be represented at such meetings; and
  2. The Chancellor shall provide for the selection of faculty, staff and students who may attend such meetings, giving due regard to the elected student, faculty and staff governing bodies. The number and mix of such participants shall be left to the discretion of the Chancellor in order to permit meaningful and manageable discussion; and
  3. That there shall be public announcement of the campus discussion meetings which shall specify that members of the University community and the general public are welcome to attend; and
  4. The Chancellor shall be responsible for drawing appropriate rules covering the determination of an agenda and the conduct and procedures of the meetings.

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