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April 12, 2019


The Senate Appropriations Committee met this week for mark up on the House version of the FY20 Budget. They will continue to discuss their proposed changed throughout next week. They did not go into detail on the higher education budget, but instead left it open for discussion for next week.

HB 575

On Monday, the House Fiscal Review Committee passed HB 575 out of committee and it was debated on the House Floor that evening. The bill was third read and passed and sent to the Senate. HB 575 is the bill we referred to last week that includes language on campus carry, fees related to health insurance, and living requirements for higher educational institutions. The bill was referred to the Senate Transportation Committee where it awaits a hearing.

Tuition Fees

SB 496, sponsored by Senator Ed Emery, was heard in Senate Government Reform Committee on Tuesday morning. This bill would include supplementary fees, course fees and laboratory fees and all other fees in the definition of tuition for public institutions of higher education. During the hearing, we testified against this legislation along with COPHE and others.

Reviewed 2019-08-05