From: "Saved by Windows Internet Explorer 8" Subject: Survey Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 10:32:47 -0500 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/related; type="text/html"; boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0011_01CF44F0.E727AA90" X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V6.1.7600.16807 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0011_01CF44F0.E727AA90 Content-Type: text/html; charset="Windows-1252" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Location: file://P:\IRP\Compliance_Reports\IPEDS\HR_Human_Resources_Survey\FY2013\hr_mst13.htm Survey


Revised=20 Human Resources 2012-13
Institution: Missouri=20 University of Science and Technology (178411)
User ID:=20 29C0011
Human Resources = Overview
  Welcome to the IPEDS Human Resources (HR) = survey=20 component. This survey collects important information about = your=20 institution's faculty and staff.  
  Recent changes  
  • New=20 occupational categories replaced the primary = function/occupational=20 activity categories previously used in the IPEDS HR = survey. The=20 change was required to align the IPEDS HR categories with = the 2010=20 Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) System. For = additional=20 information on the IPEDS HR survey and how it relates to = the 2010=20 SOC system, refer to the section of the IPEDS HR = instructions=20 called, "Reporting Staff by Occupational = Category."
  • A = few other=20 changes were made to the IPEDS HR survey that is = applicable to=20 degree-granting institutions. These changes can be found = in the=20 section of the IPEDS HR instructions called, "Changes in=20 Reporting."
  • Survey=20 became part of the IPEDS Spring data = collection.
  • The NEW=20 IPEDS HR/SOC Information Center can be found at the = following=20 website: (The=20 new center includes, but is not limited to the following = links:=20 New (2012-13) IPEDS Occupational Categories and 2010 SOC=20 crosswalk; 2012-13 IPEDS HR survey material; Standard = Occupational=20 Classification (SOC) System material; IPEDS HR/SOC Browse = Tool;=20 and Web Tutorials.)
  • To = download=20 the survey materials for this component: Survey Materials
  Data reporting reminders:  
  • Enter data=20 on each displayed screen. If a screen is not applicable, = enter at=20 least one zero in a field on the screen.
  • Report staff members difficult to categorize in the = =93Human=20 Resources Survey Evaluation=94 box at the end of the=20 survey.
  You must enter data on each displayed = screen. If a=20 screen is not applicable, you must enter at least one zero = in a=20 field on the screen.  
  To access your prior year data submission = for this=20 component: Reported Data  

If you have questions = about=20 completing this survey, please contact the IPEDS Help = Desk at=20 1-877-225-2568.
Institution: Missouri=20 University of Science and Technology (178411)
User ID:=20 29C0011
Human=20 Resources Screening Questions
         &nb= sp;           &nbs= p;            = ;                    &nb= sp;           &nbs= p;            = ;          
Does your institution = have any=20 part-time=20 staff?
If you answer Yes to = this=20 question, you will be provided the screens to report = part-time=20 staff.
  Yes   No
Does your institution = have 15 or=20 more full-time staff?
  Yes   No
Do ALL of the = instructional=20 staff at your institution fall into any of the following = categories?
If you answer Yes to = any of=20 the questions below, the full-time instructional staff = screens of=20 Part G are NOT applicable to your institution = and you=20 will NOT be required to report data for the full-time = instructional staff screens of Part G. However, Part = G will=20 still be required for reporting data for full-time = non-instructional=20 staff.
    No   Yes Are ALL of the instructional staff = military=20 personnel?
    No   Yes Do ALL of the instructional staff = contribute their=20 services (e.g., members of a religious order)?
    No   Yes Do ALL of the instructional staff teach=20 pre-clinical or clinical medicine?
The reporting of data = by gender=20 AND race/ethnicity is optional this year as it is in = even-numbered=20 years.
Do you wish to report data by = gender AND=20 race/ethnicity this year?
If you answer No, = screens to=20 report data by employment status (full-time and part-time) = and=20 occupational category will be displayed.
If you answer=20 Yes, screens to report data by employment status = (full-time=20 and part-time), occupational category, and gender AND = race/ethnicity=20 will be displayed and you must complete all applicable=20 screens.
  No, I will not report data by gender and=20 race/ethnicity this=20 = year           &nb= sp;           &nbs= p;            = ;            =             &= nbsp;         
  Yes, I will report data by gender and=20 race/ethnicity this=20 = year           &nb= sp;           &nbs= p;            = ;            =             &= nbsp;         
You may use the space = below to=20 provide context for the data you've reported = above.
Institution: Missouri=20 University of Science and Technology (178411)
User ID:=20 29C0011
Human=20 Resources Screening Questions
         &nb= sp;           &nbs= p;            = ;                    &nb= sp;           &nbs= p;            = ;                    &nb= sp;           &nbs= p;            = ;          
Does your institution = have a=20 tenure system?
If you answer Yes to = this=20 question, you will be provided the screens to report some = data by=20 tenure status.
  Yes   No
Does your institution = have=20 graduate assistants?
If you answer Yes to = this=20 question, you will be provided the screens to report = graduate=20 assistants.
  Yes   No
Did your institution = hire any=20 full-time permanent staff who were included on the = payroll of=20 the institution between July 1 and October 31, 2012 = either=20 for the first time (new to the institution) or = after a break in service AND who were still = on the=20 payroll of the institution as of November 1, 2012? = (Exclude=20 persons who have returned from sabbatical leave OR full-time = Postsecondary Staff who are working less-than-9-month=20 contracts.)
If you answer Yes to = this=20 question and your institution has 15 or more full-time = staff, you=20 will be provided the screens to report full-time = permanent new=20 hires in Part H.
  Yes   No
Institution: Missouri=20 University of Science and Technology (178411)
User ID:=20 29C0011
Part=20 A - Full-time instructional staff
Number of full-time instructional staff with faculty = status=20 who are tenured =
by=20 academic rank, gender, and race/ethnicity=20

As of November 1, 2012

  • Report Hispanic/Latino = individuals=20 of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity


    No academic

    Nonresident = alien              4
    Hispanic/Latino              3
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native              0
    Asian              36
    Black or African = American              3
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander              0
    White              119
    Two or more races              2
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown              1
    Total men  101  67  0  0  0  0  168
    Nonresident = alien              2
    Hispanic/Latino              0
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native              0
    Asian              6
    Black or African = American              1
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander              0
    White              22
    Two or more races              0
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown              0
    Total women  13  18  0  0  0  0  31
    Total (men+women)  114  85  0  0  0  0  199
    Institution: Missouri=20 University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 A - Full-time instructional staff
    Number of full-time instructional staff with faculty = status=20 who are on tenure=20 track
    by academic rank, gender, and race/ethnicity=20

    As of November 1, 2012

  • Report Hispanic/Latino = individuals=20 of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity


    No academic

    Nonresident = alien              18
    Hispanic/Latino              3
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native              0
    Asian              11
    Black or African = American              0
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander              0
    White              22
    Two or more races              0
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown              0
    Total men  0  3  51  0  0  0  54
    Nonresident = alien              7
    Hispanic/Latino              0
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native              0
    Asian              3
    Black or African = American              0
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander              0
    White              14
    Two or more races              0
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown              0
    Total women  0  0  24  0  0  0  24
    Total (men+women)  0  3  75  0  0  0  78
    Institution: Missouri=20 University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 A - Full-time instructional staff
    Number of full-time instructional staff with faculty = status=20 who are not on = tenure=20 track
    with multi-year=20 contract
    by academic rank, gender, and race/ethnicity =

    As of November 1, 2012

  • Report Hispanic/Latino = individuals=20 of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity


    No academic

    Nonresident = alien              0
    Hispanic/Latino              0
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native              0
    Asian              0
    Black or African = American              0
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander              0
    White              0
    Two or more races              0
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown              0
    Total men  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Nonresident = alien              0
    Hispanic/Latino              0
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native              0
    Asian              0
    Black or African = American              0
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander              0
    White              0
    Two or more races              0
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown              0
    Total women  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Total (men+women)  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Institution: Missouri=20 University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 A - Full-time instructional staff
    Number of full-time instructional staff with faculty = status=20 who are not on = tenure=20 track
    with annual=20 contract
    by academic rank, gender, and race/ethnicity =

    As of November 1, 2012

  • Report Hispanic/Latino = individuals=20 of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity


    No academic

    Nonresident = alien              5
    Hispanic/Latino              0
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native              0
    Asian              2
    Black or African = American              0
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander              0
    White              20
    Two or more races              0
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown              0
    Total men  0  5  13  0  7  2  27
    Nonresident = alien              2
    Hispanic/Latino              1
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native              0
    Asian              0
    Black or African = American              0
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander              0
    White              21
    Two or more races              0
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown              0
    Total women  0  6  10  1  6  1  24
    Total (men+women)  0  11  23  1  13  3  51
    Institution: Missouri=20 University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 A - Full-time instructional staff
    Number of full-time instructional staff with faculty = status=20 who are not on = tenure=20 track
    with less than=20 annual contract
    by academic rank, gender, and = race/ethnicity=20

    As of November 1, 2012

  • Report Hispanic/Latino = individuals=20 of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity


    No academic

    Nonresident = alien              1
    Hispanic/Latino              0
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native              0
    Asian              0
    Black or African = American              0
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander              0
    White              0
    Two or more races              0
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown              0
    Total men  0  0  0  0  0  1  1
    Nonresident = alien              0
    Hispanic/Latino              0
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native              0
    Asian              0
    Black or African = American              0
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander              0
    White              0
    Two or more races              0
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown              0
    Total women  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Total (men+women)  0  0  0  0  0  1  1
    Institution: Missouri=20 University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 A - Full-time instructional staff
    Number of full-time instructional staff without = faculty=20 status
    by gender and race/ethnicity=20

    As of November 1, 2012

  • Report Hispanic/Latino = individuals=20 of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity Total
    Nonresident = alien  
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native  
    Black or African = American  
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander  
    Two or more races  
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown  
    Total men  0
    Nonresident = alien  
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native  
    Black or African = American  
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander  
    Two or more races  
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown  
    Total women  0
    Total (men+women)  0
    Institution: Missouri=20 University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 A - Full-time instructional staff
    Number of full-time instructional staff
    by tenure = status,=20 and function=20

    As of November 1, 2012

      Tenured On Tenure = Track Not on Tenure = Track Without Faculty status Total
    Multi-year = contract Annual = contract Less-than-annual=20 contract
    Total carried forward = from=20 previous screens  199  78  0  51  1  0  329
      Instruction  199  78  0  50  1  0  328
        Exclusively credit              328
        Exclusively not-for-credit              0
        Combined credit/not-for-credit              0
      Instruction/research/public=20 service              1
    Institution: Missouri=20 University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 A - Full-time instructional staff - Totals
    Total number of full-time instructional staff
    by = gender=20 and race/ethnicity=20

    As of November 1, 2012

    Race/ethnicity Total men Total women Total (men+women)
    Nonresident = alien  28  11  39
    Hispanic/Latino  6  1  7
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native  0  0  0
    Asian  49  9  58
    Black or African = American  3  1  4
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander  0  0  0
    White  161  57  218
    Two or more races  2  0  2
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown  1  0  1
    Total  250  79  329
    Institution: Missouri=20 University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 B - Full-time non-instructional staff
    Number of full-time non-instructional staff
    by=20 occupational category, gender, and race/ethnicity=20

    As of November 1, 2012

  • Report Hispanic/Latino = individuals=20 of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity Postsecondary = Teachers
    Instructional Staff =
    (carried=20 forward
    from Part A)
    Research Public = Service
    Nonresident = alien  28    
    Hispanic/Latino  6    
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native  0    
    Asian  49    
    Black or African = American  3    
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander  0    
    White  161    
    Two or more races  2    
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown  1    
    Total men  250  18  0
    Nonresident = alien  11    
    Hispanic/Latino  1    
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native  0    
    Asian  9    
    Black or African = American  1    
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander  0    
    White  57    
    Two or more races  0    
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown  0    
    Total women  79  6  0
    Total (men+women)  329  24  0
    Institution: Missouri=20 University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 B - Full-time non-instructional staff
    Number of full-time non-instructional staff
    by=20 occupational category, gender, and race/ethnicity=20

    As of November 1, 2012

  • Report Hispanic/Latino = individuals=20 of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity Archivists, Curators, = and=20 Museum Technicians Librarians Library = Technicians Other Teachers and = Instructional=20 Support Staff
    Nonresident = alien        
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native        
    Black or African = American        
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander        
    Two or more races        
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown        
    Total men  0  3  2  10
    Nonresident = alien        
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native        
    Black or African = American        
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander        
    Two or more races        
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown        
    Total women  0  5  9  18
    Total (men+women)  0  8  11  28
    Institution: Missouri=20 University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 B - Full-time non-instructional staff
    Number of full-time non-instructional staff
    by=20 occupational category, gender, and race/ethnicity=20

    As of November 1, 2012

  • Report Hispanic/Latino = individuals=20 of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity Management = Occupations Business and Financial = Operations Occupations Computer, Engineering, = and=20 Science Occupations Community Service, = Legal, Arts,=20 and Media Occupations Healthcare = Practitioners and=20 Technical Occupations
    Nonresident = alien          
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native          
    Black or African = American          
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander          
    Two or more races          
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown          
    Total men  60  19  77  37  2
    Nonresident = alien          
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native          
    Black or African = American          
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander          
    Two or more races          
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown          
    Total women  65  37  20  32  7
    Total (men+women)  125  56  97  69  9
    Institution: Missouri=20 University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 B - Full-time non-instructional staff
    Number of full-time non-instructional staff
    by=20 occupational category, gender, and race/ethnicity=20

    As of November 1, 2012

  • Report Hispanic/Latino = individuals=20 of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity Service = Occupations Sales and Related=20 Occupations Office and = Administrative=20 Support Occupations Natural Resources,=20 Construction, and Maintenance Occupations Production, = Transportation, and=20 Material Moving Occupations Grand Total
    (All full-time = staff)
    Nonresident = alien            45
    Hispanic/Latino            9
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native            3
    Asian            57
    Black or African = American            19
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander            0
    White            481
    Two or more races            5
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown            2
    Total men  51  1  12  74  5  621
    Nonresident = alien            13
    Hispanic/Latino            5
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native            6
    Asian            15
    Black or African = American            10
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander            0
    White            481
    Two or more races            3
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown            2
    Total women  34  0  223  0  0  535
    Total (men+women)  85  1  235  74  5  1,156
    Institution: Missouri=20 University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 B - Full-time non-instructional staff
    Number of full-time non-instructional staff
    by = tenure=20 status and occupational category=20

    As of November 1, 2012

    Occupational = category Tenured On Tenure = Track Not on Tenure = Track Without Faculty status Total
    Multi-year = contract Annual = contract Less-than-annual=20 contract
    Postsecondary Teachers = -=20 Research              24
    Postsecondary Teachers = - Public=20 Service              0
    Archivists, Curators, = and=20 Museum Technicians              0
    Librarians              8
    Library = Technicians              11
    Other Teachers and = Instructional=20 Support Staff              28
    Management = Occupations              125
    Business and Financial = Operations Occupations              56
    Computer, Engineering, = and=20 Science Occupations              97
    Community Service, = Legal, Arts,=20 and Media Occupations              69
    Healthcare = Practitioners and=20 Technical Occupations              9
    Institution: Missouri=20 University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 C - Full-time summary non-medical
    Summary of full-time, non-medical school, = staff
    by tenure=20 status and occupational category=20

    As of November 1, 2012

    Occupational = category Tenured On Tenure Track Not on Tenure Track Without Faculty status Total
    Multi-year contract Annual contract Less-than-annual contract
    Postsecondary Teachers  201  80  0  70  2  0  353
      Instruction  199  78  0  50  1  0  328
        Exclusively credit  199  78  0  50  1  0  328
        Exclusively not-for-credit  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
        Combined credit/not-for-credit  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
      Instruction/research/public = service  0  0  0  1  0  0  1
       Research  2  2  0  19  1  0  24
       Public = Service  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Archivists, Curators, and = Museum=20 Technicians  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Librarians  0  0  0  0  0  8  8
    Library Technicians  0  0  0  0  0  11  11
    Other Teachers and = Instructional Support=20 Staff  0  0  0  3  0  25  28
    Management Occupations  8  0  0  0  0  117  125
    Business and Financial = Operations=20 Occupations  0  0  0  0  0  56  56
    Computer, Engineering, and = Science=20 Occupations  0  0  0  2  0  95  97
    Community Service, Legal, = Arts, and=20 Media Occupations  0  0  0  0  0  69  69
    Healthcare Practitioners and = Technical=20 Occupations  0  0  0  0  0  9  9
    Service Occupations    85
    Sales and Related = Occupations    1
    Office and Administrative = Support=20 Occupations    235
    Natural Resources, = Construction, and=20 Maintenance Occupations    74
    Production, Transportation, = and Material=20 Moving Occupations    5
    Total    1,156
    Institution: Missouri=20 University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 G - Salary Worksheet
    Number of full-time, non-medical, instructional = staff for=20 calculation of total number of months
    As of November 1, 2012
    Gender and academic rank =20 9-Month Contract or Employment agreement =20 10-Month Contract or Employment agreement =20 11-Month Contract or Employment agreement =20 12-Month Contract or Employment agreement Total employees for Salary reporting Total Number of Months Total full-time, non-medical, = instructional staff=20 from Part A =20 Balance (All other full-time instructional staff)
    Professors          101  933  101  0
    Associate professors          75  678  75  0
    Assistant professors          64  579  64  0
    Instructors          0  0  0  0
    Lecturers          7  69  7  0
    No academic rank          3  33  3  0
    Total men  236  0  0  14  250  2,292  250  0
    Professors          13  120  13  0
    Associate professors          24  222  24  0
    Assistant professors          34  306  34  0
    Instructors          1  12  1  0
    Lecturers          6  54  6  0
    No academic rank          1  12  1  0
    Total women  74  0  0  5  79  726  79  0
    Total (men + women)  310  0  0  19  329  3,018  329  0
    Institution: Missouri=20 University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 G - Salary outlays for full-time instructional staff
    Salary outlays for full-time, non-medical, = instructional=20 staff
    by gender and academic rank=20

    As of November 1, 2012

    Gender and academic rank Headcount
    (from Part = G,
    screen 1)=20 OR Total employees for Salary reporting
    Total Number
    of Months =
    (from=20 Part G,
    screen 1)
    =20 Salary Outlays Weighted average Salaries per=20 month
    Professors  101  933    12,968
    Associate professors  75  678    9,323
    Assistant professors  64  579    8,130
    Instructors  0  0     
    Lecturers  7  69    4,444
    No academic rank  3  33    4,975
    Total men  250  2,292  23,598,850  10,296
    Professors  13  120    12,445
    Associate professors  24  222    8,041
    Assistant professors  34  306    7,681
    Instructors  1  12    4,655
    Lecturers  6  54    4,993
    No academic rank  1  12    4,167
    Total women  79  726  6,004,491  8,271
    Total (men + = women)  329  3,018  29,603,341  9,809
    Institution: Missouri=20 University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 G - Salary outlays for full-time non-instructional staff
    Salary outlays for full-time, non-medical, = non-instructional=20 staff
    by occupational category=20

    As of November 1, 2012

    Occupational category
    =20 Number of
    full-time staff
    =20 Total salary outlays
    Postsecondary Teachers = -=20 Research  24  
    Postsecondary Teachers = - Public=20 Service  0  
    Library and = Instructional=20 Support Occupations  47  
    Management = Occupations  125  
    Business and Financial = Operations Occupations  56  
    Computer, Engineering, = and=20 Science Occupations  97  
    Community Service, = Legal, Arts,=20 and Media Occupations  69  
    Healthcare = Practitioners and=20 Technical Occupations  9  
    Service = Occupations  85  
    Sales and Related=20 Occupations  1  
    Office and = Administrative=20 Support Occupations  235  
    Natural Resources,=20 Construction, and Maintenance Occupations  74  
    Production, = Transportation, and=20 Material Moving Occupations  5  
    Institution: Missouri=20 University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 D - Part-time staff
    Number of part-time staff
    by occupational = category,=20 gender, and race/ethnicity=20

    As of November 1, 2012

  • Report Hispanic/Latino = individuals=20 of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity Postsecondary = Teachers
    Instructional = Staff Research Public = Service
    Nonresident = alien      
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native      
    Black or African = American      
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander      
    Two or more races      
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown      
    Total men  63  6  0
    Nonresident = alien      
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native      
    Black or African = American      
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander      
    Two or more races      
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown      
    Total women  29  3  0
    Total (men+women)  92  9  0
    Institution: Missouri=20 University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 D - Part-time staff
    Number of part-time non-instructional staff
    by=20 occupational category, gender, and race/ethnicity=20

    As of November 1, 2012

  • Report Hispanic/Latino = individuals=20 of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity Archivists, Curators, = and=20 Museum Technicians Librarians Library = Technicians Other Teachers and = Instructional=20 Support Staff Library and = Instructional=20 Support Occupations
    Nonresident = alien          12
    Hispanic/Latino          0
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native          0
    Asian          0
    Black or African = American          0
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander          0
    White          0
    Two or more races          0
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown          0
    Total men  0  0  0  12  12
    Nonresident = alien          0
    Hispanic/Latino          0
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native          0
    Asian          0
    Black or African = American          0
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander          0
    White          3
    Two or more races          0
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown          0
    Total women  1  0  0  2  3
    Total (men+women)  1  0  0  14  15
    Institution: Missouri=20 University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 D - Part-time staff
    Number of part-time staff
    by occupational = category,=20 gender, and race/ethnicity=20

    As of November 1, 2012

  • Report Hispanic/Latino = individuals=20 of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity Management = Occupations Business and Financial = Operations Occupations Computer, Engineering, = and=20 Science Occupations Community Service, = Legal, Arts,=20 and Media Occupations Healthcare = Practitioners and=20 Technical Occupations
    Nonresident = alien          
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native          
    Black or African = American          
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander          
    Two or more races          
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown          
    Total men  3  2  3  6  0
    Nonresident = alien          
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native          
    Black or African = American          
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander          
    Two or more races          
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown          
    Total women  1  1  6  6  0
    Total (men+women)  4  3  9  12  0
    Institution: Missouri=20 University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 D - Part-time staff
    Number of part-time staff
    by occupational = category,=20 gender, and race/ethnicity=20

    As of November 1, 2012

  • Report Hispanic/Latino = individuals=20 of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity Service = Occupations Sales and Related=20 Occupations Office and = Administrative=20 Support Occupations Natural Resources,=20 Construction, and Maintenance Occupations Production, = Transportation, and=20 Material Moving Occupations Grand Total
    (All part-time = staff)
    Nonresident = alien            22
    Hispanic/Latino            3
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native            0
    Asian            5
    Black or African = American            2
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander            0
    White            118
    Two or more races            1
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown            0
    Total men  40  0  10  6  0  151
    Nonresident = alien            8
    Hispanic/Latino            1
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native            0
    Asian            7
    Black or African = American            0
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander            0
    White            76
    Two or more races            0
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown            0
    Total women  22  1  20  0  0  92
    Total (men+women)  62  1  30  6  0  243
    Institution: Missouri=20 University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 D - Graduate assistants
    Number of graduate=20 assistants
    by occupational category, gender, and = race/ethnicity

    As of November 1, 2012

  • Report Hispanic/Latino = individuals=20 of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity Teaching Research Management Business and Financial = Operations Computer, Engineering, = and=20 Science Community Service, = Legal, Arts,=20 and Media Library and = Instructional=20 Support Healthcare = Practitioners and=20 Technical Total
    Nonresident = alien                  288
    Hispanic/Latino                  3
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native                  0
    Asian                  5
    Black or African = American                  5
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander                  1
    White                  121
    Two or more races                  0
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown                  2
    Total men  114  274  0  0  0  0  37  0  425
    Nonresident = alien                  106
    Hispanic/Latino                  1
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native                  0
    Asian                  0
    Black or African = American                  1
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander                  0
    White                  44
    Two or more races                  0
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown                  0
    Total women  51  79  0  0  0  0  22  0  152
    Total (men+women)  165  353  0  0  0  0  59  0  577
    Institution: Missouri=20 University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 E - Part-time staff
    Number of part-time staff
    by tenure status and=20 occupational category=20

    As of November 1, 2012

    Occupational = category Tenured On Tenure = Track Not on Tenure = Track Without Faculty status Total
    Multi-year = contract Annual = contract Less-than-annual=20 contract
    Postsecondary = Teachers  2  0  0  2  97  0  101
      Instruction  2  0  0  1  89  0  92
        Exclusively credit              92
        Exclusively not-for-credit              0
        Combined credit/not-for-credit              0
      Instruction/research/public=20 service              0
      Research              9
      Public = Service              0
    Archivists, Curators, = and=20 Museum Technicians              1
    Librarians              0
    Library = Technicians              0
    Other Teachers and = Instructional=20 Support Staff              14
    Management = Occupations              4
    Business and Financial = Operations Occupations              3
    Computer, Engineering, = and=20 Science Occupations              9
    Community Service, = Legal, Arts,=20 and Media Occupations              12
    Healthcare = Practitioners and=20 Technical Occupations              0
    Institution: Missouri=20 University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 F - Part-time summary non-medical
    Summary of part-time staff
    by tenure status and=20 occupational category=20

    As of November 1, 2012

    Occupational = category Tenured On Tenure Track Not on Tenure Track Without Faculty status Total
    Multi-year contract Annual contract Less-than-annual contract
    Postsecondary Teachers  2  0  0  2  97  0  101
      Instruction  2  0  0  1  89  0  92
        Exclusively credit  2  0  0  1  89  0  92
        Exclusively not-for-credit  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
        Combined credit/not-for-credit  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
      Instruction/research/public = service  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
       Research  0  0  0  1  8  0  9
       Public = Service  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Archivists, Curators, and = Museum=20 Technicians  0  0  0  0  0  1  1
    Librarians  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Library Technicians  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Other Teachers and = Instructional Support=20 Staff  0  0  0  0  13  1  14
    Management Occupations  0  0  0  0  0  4  4
    Business and Financial = Operations=20 Occupations  0  0  0  0  0  3  3
    Computer, Engineering, and = Science=20 Occupations  0  0  0  1  2  6  9
    Community Service, Legal, = Arts, and=20 Media Occupations  0  0  0  0  0  12  12
    Healthcare Practitioners and = Technical=20 Occupations  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
    Service Occupations    62
    Sales and Related = Occupations    1
    Office and Administrative = Support=20 Occupations    30
    Natural Resources, = Construction, and=20 Maintenance Occupations    6
    Production, Transportation, = and Material=20 Moving Occupations    0
    Graduate Assistants    577
      Teaching    165
      Research    353
      Management    0
      Business and Financial = Operations    0
      Computer, Engineering, and = Science    0
      Community Service, Legal, = Arts, and=20 Media    0
      Library and Instructional = Support    59
      Healthcare Practitioners and=20 Technical    0
    Total    820
    Institution: Missouri=20 University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 H - New Hires - Full-time instructional staff
    Number of newly hired full-time permanent = instructional=20 staff
    by tenure status, gender, and race/ethnicity=20

    (Hired full time between July 1 and October 31, 2012 = and
    still=20 on payroll of the institution as of November 1,=20 2012)

  • Report Hispanic/Latino = individuals=20 of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity Tenured On Tenure = Track Not on Tenure Track Without Faculty status Total
    Multi-year = contract Annual = contract Less-than-annual=20 contract
    Nonresident = alien              2
    Hispanic/Latino              0
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native              0
    Asian              1
    Black or African = American              0
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander              0
    White              9
    Two or more races              0
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown              0
    Total men  1  6  0  5  0  0  12
    Nonresident = alien              1
    Hispanic/Latino              1
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native              0
    Asian              1
    Black or African = American              0
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander              0
    White              3
    Two or more races              0
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown              0
    Total women  1  4  0  1  0  0  6
    Total (men+women)  2  10  0  6  0  0  18
    Institution: Missouri=20 University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 H - New Hires - Full-time staff
    Number of newly hired full-time staff
    by = occupational=20 category, gender, and race/ethnicity=20

    (Hired full time between July 1 and October 31, 2012 = and
    still=20 on payroll of the institution as of November 1,=20 2012)

  • Report Hispanic/Latino = individuals=20 of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity Instructional Staff =
    (carried=20 forward from Part H, screen 1)
    Postsecondary Teachers Library and = Instructional=20 Support Occupations
    Research Public = Service
    Nonresident = alien  2      
    Hispanic/Latino  0      
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native  0      
    Asian  1      
    Black or African = American  0      
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander  0      
    White  9      
    Two or more races  0      
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown  0      
    Total men  12  3  0  0
    Nonresident = alien  1      
    Hispanic/Latino  1      
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native  0      
    Asian  1      
    Black or African = American  0      
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander  0      
    White  3      
    Two or more races  0      
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown  0      
    Total women  6  1  0  5
    Total (men+women)  18  4  0  5
    Institution: Missouri=20 University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 H - New Hires - Full-time non-instructional staff
    Number of newly hired full-time non-instructional=20 staff
    by occupational category, gender, and = race/ethnicity

    (Hired full time between July 1 and October 31, 2012 = and
    still=20 on payroll of the institution as of November 1,=20 2012)

  • Report Hispanic/Latino = individuals=20 of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity Management = Occupations Business and Financial = Operations Occupations Computer, Engineering, = and=20 Science Occupations Community Service, = Legal, Arts,=20 and Media Occupations Healthcare = Practitioners and=20 Technical Occupations
    Nonresident = alien          
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native          
    Black or African = American          
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander          
    Two or more races          
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown          
    Total men  1  1  2  5  1
    Nonresident = alien          
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native          
    Black or African = American          
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander          
    Two or more races          
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown          
    Total women  1  2  1  4  0
    Total (men+women)  2  3  3  9  1
    Institution: Missouri=20 University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Part=20 H - New Hires - Full-time non-instructional staff and Total New=20 Hires
    Number of newly hired full-time non-instructional = staff and=20 Total new hires
    by occupational category, gender, and=20 race/ethnicity=20

    (Hired full time between July 1 and October 31, 2012 = and
    still=20 on payroll of the institution as of November 1,=20 2012)


  • Report Hispanic/Latino = individuals=20 of any race as Hispanic/Latino
  • Report race for=20 non-Hispanic/Latino individuals only
  • Gender and race/ethnicity Service = Occupations Sales and Related=20 Occupations Office and = Administrative=20 Support Occupations Natural Resources,=20 Construction, and Maintenance Occupations Production, = Transportation, and=20 Material Moving Occupations Grand Total
    (All full-time new=20 hires)
    Nonresident = alien            5
    Hispanic/Latino            0
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native            0
    Asian            2
    Black or African = American            2
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander            0
    White            21
    Two or more races            0
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown            0
    Total men  1  0  0  4  0  30
    Nonresident = alien            1
    Hispanic/Latino            1
    American Indian or = Alaska=20 Native            0
    Asian            2
    Black or African = American            2
    Native Hawaiian or = Other Pacific=20 Islander            0
    White            22
    Two or more races            1
    Race and ethnicity=20 unknown            1
    Total women  0  0  10  0  0  30
    Total (men+women)  1  0  10  4  0  60
    Institution: Missouri=20 University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Human=20 Resources Survey Evaluation
    Were any staff members = difficult=20 to categorize? If so, please explain in the box = below.
    Institution: Missouri=20 University of Science and Technology (178411)
    User ID:=20 29C0011
    Prepared=20 by
    This survey component was = prepared=20 by:
         Keyholder    SFA Contact    HR Contact    Finance Contact    Other  
    How long did it take to = prepare this=20 survey component?   hours   minutes  
    The name of the preparer is = being=20 collected so that we can follow up with the appropriate = person in=20 the event that there are questions concerning the data. The=20 Keyholder will be copied on all email correspondence to = other=20 preparers.
    The time it took to prepare = this=20 component is being collected so that we can continue to = improve our=20 estimate of the reporting burden associated with IPEDS. = Please=20 include in your estimate the time it took for you to review=20 instructions, query and search data sources, complete and = review the=20 component, and submit the data through the Data Collection=20 System.
    Thank you for your=20 assistance.
    Institution: Missouri University = of Science=20 and Technology (178411) User ID: = 29C0011
    Human=20 Resources Component Summary
    (Applicable to Degree-granting = institutions=20 and Related Administrative Offices)

    IPEDS collects important information regarding = your=20 institution. All data reported in IPEDS survey components become = available=20 in the IPEDS Data Center and appear as aggregated data in various=20 Department of Education reports. Additionally, some of the = reported data=20 appears specifically for your institution through the College = Navigator=20 website and is included in your institution=92s Data Feedback = Report (DFR).=20 The purpose of this summary is to provide you an opportunity to = view some=20 of the data that, when accepted through the IPEDS quality control = process,=20 will appear on the College Navigator website and/or your DFR. = College=20 Navigator is updated approximately three months after the data = collection=20 period closes and Data Feedback Reports will be available through = the ExPT=20 and sent to your institution=92s CEO in November 2013.

    Please review your data for accuracy. If you have = questions=20 about the data displayed below after reviewing the data reported = on the=20 survey screens, please contact the IPEDS Help Desk at: = 1-877-225-2568 or=20

    Number of staff by employment status and = occupational=20 category:
    Fall 2012
    Occupational=20 category FTE=20 staff   Instruction/research/public=20 service
    Reported values
    Number=20 of
    full-time staff
    Number=20 of
    part-time staff
    Total number of = staff 1,156 243 1,237
    Postsecondary=20 Teachers 353 101 387
    Instructional = Staff 329 92 360
    Instruction 328 92 359
    Exclusively = credit 328 92 359
    Exclusively=20 not-for-credit 0 0 0
    Combined=20 credit/not-for-credit 0 0 0
    1 0 1
    Research 24 9 27
    Public = Service 0 0 0
    Library and=20 Instructional Support Occupations 47 15 52
    Librarians, = Curators,=20 and Archivists 19 1 19
    Archivists, = Curators,=20 and Museum Technicians 0 1 0
    Librarians 8 0 8
    Library = Technicians 11 0 11
    Other Teachers = and=20 Instructional Support Staff 28 14 33
    Management=20 Occupations 125 4 126
    Business and = Financial=20 Operations Occupations 56 3 57
    Computer, = Engineering,=20 and Science Occupations 97 9 100
    Community = Service,=20 Legal, Arts, and Media Occupations 69 12 73
    Healthcare=20 Practitioners and Technical Occupations 9 0 9
    Service = Occupations 85 62 106
    Sales and = Related=20 Occupations 1 1 1
    Office and=20 Administrative Support Occupations 235 30 245
    Natural = Resources,=20 Construction, and Maintenance Occupations 74 6 76
    Production,=20 Transportation, and Material Moving Occupations 5 0 5
    NOTE:=20 Full-time-equivalent (FTE) staff is calculated by summing = the total=20 number of full-time staff and adding one-third of the total = number=20 of part-time staff. Graduate assistants are not included in = the=20 above figures. Many of the FTE figures may be included in = the=20 DFR.

      Salaries of full-time instructional staff by = contract=20 length and academic rank:
    Academic year 2012-13
    Academic rank Total employees for Salary reporting Total Number of Months Salary Outlays Weighted average Salaries per month9-month=20 contracts 10-month=20 contracts 11-month=20 contracts 12-month=20 contracts
    Full-time instructional staff
    All Ranks 310 19 329 3,018 $29,603,341 $9,809
    Professor 105 9 114 1,053 $13,592,751 $12,909
    Associate = professor 96 3 99 900 $8,106,337 $9,007
    Assistant = professor 97 1 98 885 $7,058,003 $7,975
    Instructor 1 1 12 $55,860 $4,655
    Lecturer 11 2 13 123 $576,219 $4,685
    No academic = rank 1 3 4 45 $214,171 $4,759
    NOTE: The above = data are=20 based on the Salary outlays part of the IPEDS HR component. = The=20 Weighted average salaries per month of full-time = instructional staff=20 by academic rank are calculated by adding the salary outlays = reported for Men plus Women by academic rank [reported on = the Part=20 G, Salary outlays screen] then dividing the sum by the = "Total Number=20 of Months" for Men plus Women by academic rank [calculated = from data=20 reported on the Part G, Salary Worksheet screen]. Salaries = of=20 full-time instructional staff on less-than-9-month contracts = are not=20 collected. Also, salaries of medical school staff are not = collected.=20 The weighted average salaries per month may be included in = the=20 = DFR.
    Institution:  Missouri University of Science and = Technology=20 (178411) User ID:  29C0011
    Edit Report
    Human = Resources 
    Missouri University of = Science=20 and Technology (178411)   There are = no errors=20 for the selected survey and=20 = institution.
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